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Random quiz-fun!

My Meme“In the context of web logs / ‘blogs / blogging and other kinds of personal web sites it’s some kind of list of questions that you saw somewhere else and you decided to answer the questions. Then someone else sees them and does them and so on and so on.” -thedailymeme.com

Make a list of things you can see without getting up :  hmm…a mug of pencils and pens, Bible, Blue Like Jazz, scotch tape, my alarm clock, tv, Memory/happy book, and lots more

What were you like when you were five? :  Obsessed with ballet and Disney movies (particularly “Beauty and the Beast”), very shy, loved to read, Daddy’s girl

What are you wearing now? :  PJ pants, and my volleyball sweatshirt from senior year

What story/book/novel have you read over and over again in your life? : that would be a long list, The Little Princess is probably one of the most read, but there are a lot of books I love

What’s the last thing you read/are currently reading?:  Through Painted Deserts – Donald Miller

Do you nap a lot?:  Sometimes, the past few days since I’ve been sick

Who was the last person you hugged? : Blackie – an old YL leader friend

What’s your current fandom/obsession/addiction? :  Young Life!

What was the last thing you ate today? :  Tillamook Mudslide Ice Cream, after a delicious dinner from Dick’s Drive-In

What was the last thing you said aloud? :  “go back to sleep” – to my dog, Tucker

What websites do you always visit when you go on-line? :  Webmail, facebook

What was the last thing you bought? :  ummm…the last four things I bought were a new toothbrush, pomegranate flavored gum, eyeshadow, and zicam for my cold

What are you listening to right now? :  the clikcity-clack of my keyboard

What movie are (or were!) you most excited to show your kids (or nephews and nieces)? :  Disney movies! Obsessed! :0)

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?:  maybe teleporting

What is your favorite weather, and why? :  i love all weather most of the time, i think it’s a tie between a crisp, sunny, warm fall day and a cozy snowy winter day

What time do you usually get up? : the past week close to 9, today around 7

What is your most challenging goal right now? :  to make meaningful relationships with my YL kids, who I don’t even know yet and saving money to pay off student loans

Say something to the person who tagged you :  Kim, “Paint me like you paint the French girls Jack.”

If you could have a house–totally paid for, fully furnished–anywhere in the world, where would you want it to be :  Malibu Club Canada

Favorite work of art? :  Van Gogh’s Cafe Terrace at Night

Where do you hope to go next on vacation?  well I’m going there…DISNEYLAND!

Name one thing you just can’t resist no matter how bad it is for you :  coffee

What is your dream car?  gosh…a mini-cooper convertible, or a nice classic car

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