
Posts Tagged ‘Faith’

Today has been a good day…

It started off with my mom and I going to church together this morning, something we haven’t done in a while.  We walked into the church we regularly attended during high school and found seats in the middle of the worship portion of the service. The message of today’s sermon was about life’s challenges, and continuing to plod along through them and turning the anger, frustration and even humiliation over to God.

That is a lesson that I have been learning throughout this year, the past two years if not longer.  Life has given me quite a few challenges, everything from trouble with friends and my living situation to money and trying to figure out work and homework and having some sort of a social life.  I’ve been plodding along, but so often I forget to turn to God. 

In the midst of challenge and heartache sometimes it just gets easy to forget to have faith. To turn to Him when the water is rising and let him wrap me up in His embrace. I continually think that I can make it on my own, or that I can wait to turn to God until I have a spare moment and then the day is over and I haven’t given Him that spare moment.  

Today, was a powerful reminder of how the challenges are a part of life, everyone’s life.  My challenges seem so small compared to those of others, I have a wonderful home, a loving family, amazing friends (even if they are far away), and a God who died for me. What more could I need?  Yes, I get bogged down with the challenges of life and feeling overwhelmed and it’s at those moments I need to turn to Him and thank Him for all I have, all He has blessed me with.  I have more than I need, I am loved far more than I deserve by the God of the universe…

“Faith never knows where it is being led, but it knows and loves the One who is leading.”

I have more to write (as always) but time is ticking away and I have final projects that I get to spend all day finishing tomorrow – yay for finals week! :0( So I should hit the hay before I collapse in front of my computer.)

Wishing you all a sweet sleep…

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