
Posts Tagged ‘Disney’

“True Love’s Kiss”

okay, so the title of this blog really has nothing at all to do with what i’m about to write other than the fact that on my drive up to Seattle this morning I happily listened to the entire “Enchanted” soundtrack – even the instrumentals that play after all the songs with lyrics are done. (if you don’t already know this about me, I love Disney) It was a great drive, me belting out the lyrics of one of my new favorite Disney movies, and cruising along I-5. yes, I truly am a little kid at heart.

Anyway, this weekend has been eventful to say the least. We no longer have any working computer’s at home since mine has decided to become infected with some horrible virus and then our family computer decided that it should be sick too, leaving us with no access to the internet, no way to type out my homework or check my email. But it was kinda nice to live without computers for the weekend (okay, we did go up to my dad’s class at the high school and check email and order my sister’s birthday presents online but other than that I was without internet). I should take computer breaks more often, but of my own choosing not when the computer simply decides to die.

It was a very busy week, and let me just say that now I am officially obsessed with working the drive through at Starbucks. I’m still a rookie, I haven’t quite figured out the whole let me take an order from the person at the drive through speaker, and talk to the customer at the window, and help the barista on bar, but I’m getting there. I’ve noticed that pretty much everyone who works the drive through has their own style. They have their own opening lines, and personality – I’m working on developing my signature drive-through line but so far I haven’t come up with anything great.

This week at work was definetly better than last, although I was dead tired by the end it was a lot of fun. I’m getting to know the staff better and the regulars. For anyone that lives in Kitsap County the Mattress Ranch guy came through the drive through (you know the guy with those ridiculous commercials who does the silly dancing). My own brush with celebrity, I should have asked for his autograph, although the girls who I was working with and I decided that he probably likes to stay incognito, keep the paparazzi away, so we should just let him enjoy his coffee in peace. I’ve even come to love the Britney-Spears-handsfree mic headset. It was so fun to stand at the drive through helping customers while the snow fell on Saturday afternoon, I had some great conversations with people! :0)

Anyway, I’m sure I’ll have more to say later, but math starts in like 8 minutes and I should probably be on time.


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