
Posts Tagged ‘Miss Muffet’

Little Miss Muffet

Okay, this is too funny not to share.

This morning as I was rushing about trying to leave the house on time, my arms full of my various bags and supplies for student teaching I hustled into my car, and began driving to school.

As I was driving along my forehead felt kinda itchy. I didn’t think anything of it and then looked into my rearview mirror, and to my surprise…

THERE WAS A SPIDER ON MY FOREHEAD!!!!! And he was a big one! (okay well, legs included he was about the size of a dime, but that’s a pretty big thing to have squirming around on your face!)

It didn’t really register at first and then I glanced back up and freaked out! I shook my head and of course my hair whipped into my face and when I looked back into the mirror the spider was gone! All of a sudden I was paniced what he had somehow managed to get a death grip on one of my curls and now had the perfect home! I started to shake my head like a maniac trying to prevent the spider from forming a nice cozy nest in my hair. Luckily, I managed to not crash and stay in my lane.

I called my Mom and told her incoherently what had happened. She couldn’t understand me and when I finally was able to spit it out, she just laughed.

When I pulled into the Fred Meyer parking lot I leaped out of my car turned my head upside down and shook my head furiously! (And of course at the moment I’m shaking my head like a dog after a bath, a bus pulls up a mere ten feet from my car.)

There was no trace of the spider in my hair (I made my mom check several times before we parted ways for our different schools) or in my car and I have no idea where the creepy little guy is – hopefully not still in my car. But that was the adventure of how my morning started.

Just call me litte Miss Muffett…

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