
Posts Tagged ‘Fairy Tale’

Fairy Tales

For the past few days, I’ve been thinking about fairy tales and the love stories that are so deeply embedded in them.  I have come to the conclusion that I am a girl hooked on fairy-tales.  My whole life I’ve loved them. 

I love  the search for love, the conflict, the rescue or realization, and the eventual happily ever after.  No matter how many romantic comedies, Disney movies, or chick flicks I’ve seen the plot never seems to get old (okay, so that’s not completely true) and it just makes me long for my very own real-life-fairy-tale. As a single girl, sometimes it can be disheartening watching people fall in love but I always come away hopeful…

I am living in a world where these sorts of stories do not seem to exist beyond the glitz and glamour of the movie screen, yet I am forever hopeful that I will find my Prince Charming one day.  I’m not looking for someone to gallantly come to my rescue (or someone I can rescue), I want to find the one man I can call my best friend and my true love – “When Harry Met Sally” anyone? 

Call it being naive, call it the dreams of a silly girl…but if you’re going to dream why not reach high.

I’m sure it won’t happen the way I’ve imagined it, the plot of my fairy tale is bound to be full of twists and turns that I never see coming. Maybe my Knight in Shining Armor will ride in a white pick-up truck instead of on a white horse, maybe he’ll be a pauper instead of a prince, who knows… 

Don’t get my wrong, I’m not looking for some grand, sweeping story.  If you ask me, finding that one person you love and having them love you back is the makings of the best fairy-tale.

During my life, I’ve come across my fair share of frogs in hopes of finding my prince, and after failed relationships and broken hearts I’ve come to realize that I have to trust God and His timing.  I can’t try and make things work my way.  It never works. I have to patiently wait on Him, for His plans are so much more than even I could dream of.

So until the day comes when God brings my prince into the picture, I will continue to trust Him, knowing He is writing my fairy-tale everyday.

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