
New Bloggy Blog

Alright so this blog has reached it’s end and I have moved on for a new, fresh start…you can find me and all of my thoughts right here

So long…

Dear First Grader

Today, I got to sub in my most favorite first grade classroom ever (yes, the same class I student taught in)! And one of the assignments we did today was writing letters to next year’s first graders about what they need to know to do well in first grade. Here are some of my favorite letters!

Dear First Grader, First grade is a lot of fun! In our room always do your best. Don’t tattle tale. She owes (always) ses (says) alin (outline) and color in dele (details).  She ses (says) be quality so you can bey (be) on the green team. If you don’t get for a hole (whole) mufe (month) you will get a peas (piece) of cande (candy).  If you get you tag ton (turned) you won’t get a peas (piece) of cande (candy). You wud (would) have a plast (blast)!


Dear First Grader, In our class always be cine (kind) to echuthr (each other).  In our room we have to do hanriding (handwriting) it has to be yar (your) best hanriding (hand writing). The techr (teacher) likes wen (when) we do not play at youre besck (desk). You will have a lot of fun!


Dear First Grader, First grade is fun! In Mrs. E’s room be kind to evryone (everyone). She ecspexs (expects) the class to work quietly.  You need to follow directions or Mrs. E wll not repet (repeat) them! I think Mrs. E is awesome!


Dear First Grader, Frist grade is a lot of fun! In Mrs. E’s room always do your best. Work hard and do your best. Be kind to frens (friends). Color neatly that means color good. Behave. Don’t talk out. Don’t be meen (mean) Be good always and be kinde (kind). Don’t tel (tell) the ansrs (answers) on a test. Your Love first grade.


Dear First Grader, First grade is fun! In Mis. (Mrs.) E’s room always do your best. She wants you to behave. You need to lislen (listen). You don’t talk out. You always need to be a responsidle (responsible) learner and contriduting (contributing) citizen. You’re going to love first grade.

So I know that’s a lot of letters, but some of them are just so cute! It was a fun day in first grade!

I need to be better about blogging…ok, so I don’t needto be better, but I’d like to be better. :0) Life has flown by the past couple of weeks. A bridal shower was planned and thrown, subbing and Starbucks-ing of course, a trip to Canada with a very intense border agent coming into Canada, an AMAZING four days at Malibu, then a lazy long week, ending with subbing as the PE teacher at my old elementary school. :0)

And with all of that happening, the thing that I am going to blog about tonight is this, are you ready?

I want to go on a date.

Now before you start thinking that what I mean is that I want to have a boyfriend, or go on a date to meet a man, let me explain…

The past few weeks, both at work and with YL kids, I have heard endless talk about Prom (which in case you’re wondering is this weekend) and it just got me thinking. I really miss going on dates. The whole event –  dressing up (or not), going to do something fun with someone new (or old), just the two of you (or a group of people) – conversation getting to know each other better, a memory being created of the event taking place that those participating in will look back on later, the fun of it all (or in many cases the awkwardness of it all).

I just want to go on a date, not necessarily with a guy (but if you have someone in mind :0) totally kidding), just going out with friends on a little adventure and some conversation.

So, after my absence from the blogging world that is what I have to offer you tonight.

Hopefully tomorrow will be filled with other random tidbits to share!

I know that it’s been a while since I’ve written, and tonight I just find myself feeling…I don’t know if I even have the right word to explain. Just weary of certain things and not sure what I should be doing with myself and my life. I just feel like I’m caught in the middle with so many things…graduated but without a job, volunteering at Young Life but without a niche, friends far but not friends near…I guess I just have this feeling of longing…part of it probalby has to do with the fact that I haven’t had quality quiet time with God in a long time. A large part of it is that I’m sure. Anyway, I think it’s time God and I go have a good conversation and catch up. He’s the one who knows my heart and can put me at ease…

Doing a little online shopping tonight for things I don’t really need, and happened upon this…

to buy, or not to buy…I really love it,

 so I’m thinking buy?

Life update later…

Week in Review

Heading into the next week of substitute teaching, Young Life leading, Starbucks barista-ing, I thought I should review the past week and the moments that stuck out in each of those activities…

  • Monday and Tuesday –  I substituted in the same fifth grade class, during math some of the boys thought it would be fun to see how much they could get away with, they quickly realized it wasn’t much…After I made a comment about their rude behavior and they needed to knock it off or face consequences one said something like “You can’t do anything about it.” My response was, “You don’t think I can be mean, I’m the teacher not you, and I have no problem making you do push-ups, clean up the classroom or some other fun activity if things don’t change. I can be mean!”
  • Monday, Young Life – I led my first game at club last Monday.  I chose the traditional, Eat-Pudding-While-Wearing-a-Nylon-Over-Your-Head-Game, that my Dad brought to SK Young Life back when he was a leader. It was a big success, and I’m so excited for 80’s Night tomorrow!
  • Wednesday – My day started off with the news that we would be having a fire drill at the school I was substituting in, of course on the day that I decided to wear a dress (w/o tights or leggings) and it was pouring rain outside, shortly after that once the kids arrived I had a first grader vomit all over himself, and had to rush him out the door down to the nurse’s office. Twenty minutes later a second student threw up in the trash can and I urged him to scurry down to the nurse. I had a third go home with a fever that afternoon. And on top of all the vomiting and sickness, I had another student steal something I had taken away from him off my desk. Wednesday was an eventful day…
  • Thursday and Friday – Subbed for afternoon kindergarten both days! So much fun! Could definitely see myself teaching the little ones! :0)

I think that’s about all for now, or at least as much as I can type before my eyes start to close. It’s an early day tomorrow followed by Young Life tomorrow night! Peace out!

Here’s a snapshot of what’s currently on my mind…

  1. I am really, really sleepy
  2. After an interesting week, things feel awkward with some friends
  3. I wish I had my own classroom already
  4. I don’t want to go to work (Starbucks) tomorrow because I want to watch the Oscars
  5. I will be in Disneyland in approximately 22 days!!!!!!
  6. It was sunshiney today!
  7. I want one more good snow before spring
  8. I really want to clean my room but currently lack the energy to do it
  9. I need a bigger closet
  10. Chocolate sounds amazing right now
  11. I am going to put on my PJs, climb in my bed, and watch a movie…good night

New Haircut!

I cut my hair! It’s been really long for a while so I decided to cut it short! Still getting used to it but I like it!





Random quiz-fun!

My Meme“In the context of web logs / ‘blogs / blogging and other kinds of personal web sites it’s some kind of list of questions that you saw somewhere else and you decided to answer the questions. Then someone else sees them and does them and so on and so on.” -thedailymeme.com

Make a list of things you can see without getting up :  hmm…a mug of pencils and pens, Bible, Blue Like Jazz, scotch tape, my alarm clock, tv, Memory/happy book, and lots more

What were you like when you were five? :  Obsessed with ballet and Disney movies (particularly “Beauty and the Beast”), very shy, loved to read, Daddy’s girl

What are you wearing now? :  PJ pants, and my volleyball sweatshirt from senior year

What story/book/novel have you read over and over again in your life? : that would be a long list, The Little Princess is probably one of the most read, but there are a lot of books I love

What’s the last thing you read/are currently reading?:  Through Painted Deserts – Donald Miller

Do you nap a lot?:  Sometimes, the past few days since I’ve been sick

Who was the last person you hugged? : Blackie – an old YL leader friend

What’s your current fandom/obsession/addiction? :  Young Life!

What was the last thing you ate today? :  Tillamook Mudslide Ice Cream, after a delicious dinner from Dick’s Drive-In

What was the last thing you said aloud? :  “go back to sleep” – to my dog, Tucker

What websites do you always visit when you go on-line? :  Webmail, facebook

What was the last thing you bought? :  ummm…the last four things I bought were a new toothbrush, pomegranate flavored gum, eyeshadow, and zicam for my cold

What are you listening to right now? :  the clikcity-clack of my keyboard

What movie are (or were!) you most excited to show your kids (or nephews and nieces)? :  Disney movies! Obsessed! :0)

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?:  maybe teleporting

What is your favorite weather, and why? :  i love all weather most of the time, i think it’s a tie between a crisp, sunny, warm fall day and a cozy snowy winter day

What time do you usually get up? : the past week close to 9, today around 7

What is your most challenging goal right now? :  to make meaningful relationships with my YL kids, who I don’t even know yet and saving money to pay off student loans

Say something to the person who tagged you :  Kim, “Paint me like you paint the French girls Jack.”

If you could have a house–totally paid for, fully furnished–anywhere in the world, where would you want it to be :  Malibu Club Canada

Favorite work of art? :  Van Gogh’s Cafe Terrace at Night

Where do you hope to go next on vacation?  well I’m going there…DISNEYLAND!

Name one thing you just can’t resist no matter how bad it is for you :  coffee

What is your dream car?  gosh…a mini-cooper convertible, or a nice classic car

Graduation Pending

I only have 2, yes count them, 2 days left of college.  Two more days of official student teaching and then I am a college graduate, off to face the world of finding a real job, paying off student loans, and the rest of my life! So crazy!

I’ve been counting down to this moment for the past year, and now that it’s here I almost don’t want it to come. I could write about the joys of being done and the anticipation of what is to come but right now, I’m just going to sit back and savor the moment. 

And with that here are a few things on my mind lately:

1) I really would love to live on the water some day, not just near it but have an actual beach/lake house, even a river house!

2) Winter is wonderful, but snow makes everything better

3) I am obsessed with classic movies and movie stars – Danny Kaye, Cary Grant, Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra…the list goes on…

4) I am starting to see the impact I can have on students as a teacher, I’ve been working with a new student in our class who is very behind and struggling a lot, he’s made AMAZING progress in just the three days I’ve worked with him

5) Even though I see them everyday at work, I LOVE the holiday Starubucks cups

6) Hope means waiting and trusting…

More to come, but for now I’m off to bed…